Thursday 3 March 2011

A Warm Silkworms Welcome to Nicolas Pillai - Film Editor

Silkworms is no stranger to film. The cinematic, with its heroes, villains and twists, kept creeping into our poetry, prose and music - often. Something needed to be done; it was time to embrace the silverscreen wholehearted, as a category of its own. We decided that we needed a Film Editor to orchestrate such proceedings, and provide ever-insightful articles on the subject. We didn't have to ponder long for a likely candidate, as we had our man off the bat - the verified film-geek, moviemeister and celluloid showdog Nicolas Pillai. As our regular readers will surely remember, he was the chap behind the Magic Lanterns series of mini-essays - they are fantastic and we were sold.

So, allow us to introduce our new Film Editor, Nicolas Pillai. Stay tuned movie fans, things are going to get awesome. His latest Superman article already is. I'd wager even die-hard Superman fans will learn at least one thing. I read it, learnt about twenty.

You can find more regular installments from the brilliant brain of Nicolas over at Squeezegut Alley, his very own blogplace where he discusses film, crime fiction and comic books over a jazz soundtrack.

The End.
Roll Credits.

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